La serie 1 n converge o diverger

I also used lhopitals rule and got the same result. A series does not have to be geometric to converge. Calculus tests of convergence divergence direct comparison test for convergence of an infinite series 1 answer. Alternating the signs of reciprocals of powers of any n1 produces a convergent series.

Im playing around with comparison proofs and wondering if theres a way to show this either diverges or. If r 1, the ratio test is inconclusive, and the series may converge or diverge. You mean why does the limit as n goes to infinity of the. Problem1 15 pts does the following sequence converge or diverge as n. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Sequence e22n, converge or diverge easy physics forums. Disonsle tout net, ce chapitre nest pas indispensable.

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